Universal Translator

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 5 - To Do

Right. So I have a list of goals. Don't laugh but I'm dreaming big here. I made out this list thinking of things I really-really-really-really want. Some of these things are big and some are a little frivolous. The point is, these are things I want. Badly. I'll revise it here and there I think but for now, here's the starter list of things I want:

  1. Get out of debt.
  2. Reconcile with my two kids.
  3. Get married to Marc.
  4. Have lots of great sex.
  5. Fit into a size 8 again.
  6. Learn about investing.
  7. Travel internationally with my husband.
  8. Make lots of money.
  9. Become a millionaire.
  10. Live a life of contentment and happiness.
  11. Hike the Appalachian Trail.
  12. Go white water rafting.
  13. Learn how to downhill ski.
  14. Take a ballroom dancing class with Marc.
  15. Buy real estate.
I had to work tonight and I'm pretty knackered but I'll elaborate tomorrow. G'night!

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone dream small? I think the "small" part of the "bigger" dreams has to come in the planning stages, not in the end goals. And there are some things on the list that look small in theory but there are other things predicated of them (i.e., taking a ballroom class with Marc likely means you'll be in the same place for an extended period of time, a goal in itself).

    I have parallel items to some of yours on your list, for example your "hike the Appalachian Trail" on my list is "make the Camino de Santiago de Compostella in France/Spain." My "Learn how to downhill ski" was "learn how to cross country ski" which I have since done and love.

    PS I'm enjoying your blog a lot. I think it's pretty courageous to put yourself out there like this. I would love to do something like it but am afraid of the omnipresence of the net. Esp. as a teacher. So, like the life long journal types, I will always envy bloggers their inhibitionless lives ;-)
