Universal Translator

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3 - I am SO tired!

I don't know why but I couldn't sleep last night. At ALL. Which was totally not cool because I wanted to write something poignant in my journal today but my brain is absolute mush. I kept trying to sleep and was yawning and yawning but the second I would lay down and try to sleep, I'd suddenly be wide awake again. What's up with THAT?? Somehow I made it through the work day in a relatively good mood and then got home while there was still plenty of sunshine (thank you, daylight savings for forcing me to 'spring forward,' even though I bitch and moan about it in the mornings) so I took Jillian (my dog - more on her later) out for a loooooong walk and play at the dog park. She did something today that I have never, EVER seen her do before and, trust me, she is not a puppy: she actually played, I mean ears flopping, hoppy-happy-tail-wagging, tongue lolling played with another dog today. I just about fell over from the shock. Anyway, like I said, more on her later. It's only 9pm but I am flat-out exhausted, she needs to out again and then I'm going to collapse in bed until dawn.

Good night, whoever you are; I hope you had an amazingly fun St. Patrick's Day. :)

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