Universal Translator

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Post 31 - Karaoke-ing Helps!

I wouldn't exactly call myself a karaoke addict or anything but I have to admit, the distraction helps keep me from freaking out over Marc's absence! Tonight, I chatted with a new friend that I sang a duet with. A duet! Online! How cool is that? The new friend's name is Ken and he lives in Sheffield. Yeah, England. If you really know me this won't be much of a surprise hahaha! Most of my closest friends (other than the amazing ones I grew up with and a few phenomenal friends & family members I've discovered over the years), are from western Europe and, of that group, the majority are from the UK. Though one of my dearest friends in the world (and my sister at heart) lives in France and my dearest guy friend (not boyfriend) is in the Netherlands.

Anyway, I was jibber-jabbering away with Mr. Sheffield (he's a former funeral director turned cop who likes to sing karaoke - don't EVEN get me started on the endless jokes I could make about that! hahahahaha!), passing the time after singing a duet with him, which was fun. After we said our good byes, I rediscovered an old online karaoke buddy from about 3 or 4 years ago and sang a few duets with him. One was really, really sweet and the other was... well... we had fun with it and I think the sound of my dog barking followed by me forgetting a line and then doing that quick "oh no!!" recover thing just added a little something special...

Click here to listen to the bad (but funny) recording...


So. Marc? *shrug and a grin* I love him like crazy but, as I said a few weeks ago, guess what? I LOVE ME TOO AND I'M NOT GONNA SIT AROUND MOPING!! Shoot, life's too short; I intend to enjoy as much of it as I can while I'm here! :D

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