Universal Translator

Monday, July 19, 2010

Post 45 - Skinny Jeans and Soul Food Brunch

Hello, hello!

So Saturday morning was, once again, Zumba day at Dance Spa South. I'd like to say, "Saturday morning was Zumba day as usual," but let's be realistic - I haven't even done this for two weeks straight yet and, since they say it takes 30 days to form a habit, I think I have about 2.5 more weeks to go before I can officially declare "I went to Zumba as usual!" But, semantics aside, I went to Zumba after my usual morning wake up routine that goes like this:

7:45: *alarm clock rings*
Me: #$%&*!! ...need. coffee.

The next hour is pretty much me arguing with myself like this:

Me: Whyyyyyyy?
Me2: We'll be fine!
Me: But whyyyyyyy?
Me2: Because this is good for us.
Me: I juh-huhst wah-hahnt to sleeh-heep ih-hih-hih-hih-innnn!
Me2: Get up, take the dog for her walk, make some coffee, post to everyone that you're going to Zumba. And. Then. GO. (sometimes I have to be a little stern with myself)

So I got up, took the dog for her walk, made some coffee and while I was sipping it, I posted on Facebook that I was heading out to my Zumba class. Ever the faithful friend/support person, I got my Saturday morning text from Joe as I was on the bus:

Joe: I'm on the train almost there. Let's do this!!!!
Me: *swear words* how are you so *swear word* perky in the mornings????????
Joe: I'm an internally perky person.

That's pretty much how it always goes. So, like I said, I made it to Zumba - on time, even - and another milestone was achieved: I got through the whole class without needing any pee breaks! YEAH! (this is important stuff, people) I am, however, still looking at the clock every five minutes going "what?? I still have 40/35/30/25/etc. minutes of this to go???" but Rome was not built in a day and, given the fact that, during my first class, I went, "what?? I still have 57/55/53/51/49/47/etc. minutes of this to go???" I see my current class-clock-watching as a major improvement already. And I believe I *will* reach that day when I jump out of bed to say "woohoo! Saturday morning! Zumba, let's GO!" (Even if you know me well enough to know that I will never jump out of bed happily on my day off from work to do anything (except maybe shuffle to the kitchen for coffee), shhh, let me have my fantasy, please and thank you!)

After that, I kind of lounged around. I don't know about the rest of you, wherever you are, but it is ridiculously hot and humid here in Chicago right now and it's difficult to get the motivation to go anywhere or do much... so bleah.

On Sunday, I was faced with yet another food challenge - SOUL FOOD *dun-dun-DUN* I've been getting firmer in some very good places so I decided to try on a pair of jeans in my closet that are one size smaller than what I usually wear. They don't quite fit yet. Well, they do kind of. But they look like skinny jeans (they're not supposed to) and, hello, does the word "muffin top" mean anything to you? Muffin tops belong in bakeries, not on my waistline. And I was a little worried about what could happen to the button on these jeans if I wore them to the soul food restaurant. I mean, seriously, how does one even LOOK at soul food without gaining 10 lbs.?? Well here's the thing about this: I've seen plenty of skinny people eating soul food so I decided to go straight to the source, Velvet Daniels, mama to DYAO Season 2 Contestant, LaToya James. Velvet knows soul food and she's about the size of a toothpick (with hips and boobs) so I just asked her what to do and here's what she told me:

"When out remove the skin from the fried chicken. Eat white meat not dark meat. Greens cooked with turkey not pork. Stay away from the Mac and cheese and if your like me and can't do that eat just enough to satify ... See Morethat taste bud. You know what? Just eat very small amount of everything that looks good to you. i would take a half table spoon and sample everything I like but I load up on my greens and cabbage. Cabbage is a great fat burner."

So that's exactly what I did. While wearing my old, baggy jeans. And it was delicious! I had a taste of mustard fried catfish (literally, two bites from my dining companion's entree), turkey tips (my entree), green beans cooked with ham and some red beans & rice. I skipped the sweet potato pie, the mac & cheese and the cornbread stuffing so I am really, really proud of myself! Dessert came with the meal and, since nearly everything was bready, doughy and loaded with fats, I ordered the key lime pie. But you know what? I was so busy talking and listening to everyone that I forgot to eat it so I had the server pack it up to go.

Since I knew I was going to be eating a big meal at the soul food restaurant, I decided to keep dinner to a fresh salad. Lettuce, tomato, onion, a lot of salsa and a tiny bit of cheese... oh, and i did eat the slice of key lime pie. I *think* that's okay but I'm not quite sure. How am I doing?? I think I might be ready for that pair of jeans in my closet soon if I keep this up!!

One negative to report for the weekend: I really needed to go walking last night. It's part of the routine I'm trying to establish but, dang it, it is SO hot outside I just.. meh. Didn't have the energy. So I sat in the air conditioning and read instead.

I'm thinking about adding a third Zumba class and a strength training class to my week. Oooh! That reminds me! Before I forget - if any of you are reading and you happen to live in Chicago, Dance Spa South (in Bucktown) is running a special, beginning August 1, 2010!! For just $249 (payable in three equal installments of $83 per month), you get to have *gasp* UNLIMITED Zumba dance classes, Bollywood dance classes with Ajanta Chakraborty, and strength training classes - how unbelievably cool is THAT??? Joe and I are so all over that offer. You have no idea. There might even be some sort of contest involved - if that materializes into something specific, I'll be sure to let you know! Plus, don't forget:
Join Christa South on Tuesday nights at 7pm from July 20th-August 24. In just 6 weeks you will learn the basics of Ballroom dancing and be ready to set the dance floor on fire! No Partner needed!! $72 per person or $135 when two people sign up together.

Also, speaking of ballroom dancing, don't forget: tonight is STRICTLY BALLROOM ON DYAO!!! If you'd like to join the live chats, tonight you can visit with Erica on the east coast or Katie on the west coast - see you there!

One more thing before I end this post: If you're reading my blog - periodically, regularly, for the first time, whatever - will you please do me a favour and leave me a note in the comment section of this post? It's difficult to know how to direct my posts if I don't know who I'm talking to and get a little feedback. Also, if you like reading what I wrote, I hope you'll consider becoming a follower of my blog - if you have a blog of your own, let's link up! It's easy, free and (most important), it won't cause you to receive spam mail!

Love, laughter and healthy soul food ~winks~



  1. Good morning Kelley,

    Thanks for the note on my blog with the tip to come on over here. I adore your blog's subtitle - that could absolutely be the story of my life. I look forward to hanging out and hearing more about your journey. I don't think I "know" any other bloggers in the Chicago area. It will be interesting to get to know that part of the world, right along with you.

  2. Hey Kelley!

    You inspired me to go to Curves today lol. I'm doing my best to make it at least 2 days a week. But when I'm comfy sitting on the couch in my jammies it's a hard decision. I really wish they had Zumba around Ann Arbor, but I'm not finding anything. I guess I just have to look harder, I mean the Y has to have something, right? I was so proud of myself today. I made a slow cooker chicken tortilla soup. It was sooooo good and only 262 calories for a nice big bowl and 18 grams of protein. I'm happy to say my tummy is happy tonight. I can't wait to see your next update! Keep it up!!

  3. Aww, Cass - YAY!! I'm really, really impressed and proud of you! My instructor's from Michigan; I'll see if she knows of any connections in your area, okay? *hugs*

  4. Hey cassiethoms,


    It lists 225 classes of Zumba in Ann Arbor... :-)

  5. How neat! Thank you Joe!

  6. Argh, Joe beat me to it! hahahaha! I asked Christa last night and that's exactly what she said to do - get thee to a Zumba class post haste, Cass.... and prepare to SWEAT! :D
