Universal Translator

Monday, July 12, 2010

Post 43 - Monday Night, Hooray!

You know, since tonight is my "night off" from exercise (technically - I'll go for a big walk anyway), I'm going to dedicate this post to something about my weight loss/healthy lifestyle adventure that isn't about Zumba, for a change! This blog is going to be about making smart choices.

I went grocery shopping last night and was absolutely amazed by how my shopping list has changed in just one week! I used to fill up my cart with processed convenience foods - I work long hours and couldn't see myself cooking big meals for one, especially in this humid weather! So I simply bought loads of junk that was convenient. Pastas, white rice, more pasta, Hot Pockets (well, okay, Lean Pockets but really how lean are they when you eat two of them??), chips, more pasta... you get the idea. After watching last week's episode of Dance Your A** Off, however, I got an idea and decided that, while it's too hot to cook, it's certainly not too hot to eat fresh veggies and fruits! That's right - I decided it was time to re-introduce myself to produce. By itself. No more thinly-veiled "how do you do, apple? let's see how you look wrapped in this lovely caramel sauce," for me! I actually ate a plain apple. And it was GOOD. Next up? Fresh broccoli. Oh. Em. Gee. I'd forgotten how flavorful fresh broccoli is! It's really, really good. Eat a bunch of green grapes? Sure! Snack on baby carrots? Don't mind if I do! Fresh fruits and vegetables taste delicious all by themselves - how had I forgotten this?!

But then! dun-dun-DUN... I was invited to a brunch buffet on Saturday following my Zumba class.

A brunch.

And someone else was paying.

How could I possibly say no? But what to do? What to do?? Brunch buffets are loaded with carby badness that just calls my name when I get within earshot! Then I remembered what my Season 2 DYAO buddy, Michael Brooks (click on his name to see his webpage), told me. "It's mind or matter, Kelley. You've got to convince yourself that you can do it." And that was that.

I did go to the brunch buffet. Guess what - I made right choices! I loaded my plate so that it was nearly overflowing! With fresh peas, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and carrots. With delicious watermelon, blueberries, honeydew and cantaloupe. I did try a taste of the cream cheese with chocolate chips thingie but you know what? A taste was all I needed! And then I went right back to my grapes. I went back for a second plate and this time tried some eggs. Normally, I'd have gone for the denver omelet and topped it with cheese. This time, I chose egg whites that had diced tomatoes, onions and mushrooms mixed in. And you know what? It tasted just as good - no lie! This might sound a little goofy but I was really worried about seeing all kinds of empty on my plate just begging to be loaded with bacon, sausage and waffles so instead of walking away, I went over to the veggies section again and added more mushrooms. I did take two flax seed crackers but I don't think that's any big deal.

So guess what happened after that? I was FULL. But not that "oh my God, I need to undo my pants and go into a food coma right this MINUTE" kind of full. Just a pleasant, "wow, I ate a lot of good stuff that's good for me," full. And that's really the only big meal I ate on Saturday. I went for a walk, rested, read... sat bolt upright in the afternoon and thought, "Oh no! I'm going to blow off my workout if I don't get outside right this minute!!" then immediately chuckled and remembered, "Oh wait. never mind... I already had my workout this morning!" I was so proud of myself. Michael is right and I'm going to keep telling myself every, single day: it's MIND over MATTER and I can do it!

T0night after work, I'm going to get Jillian and take her for a long walk to the doggie beach. After that, we're coming home to eat. She gets some gourmet dog food stuff I got from PetCo (I can't ever remember the name... Avondale something?) and I get a delicious chef salad sprinkled with freshly ground flax seeds and topped with a seasoned chicken breast. After that, I'm going to take my shower, get into my jammies, then watch the new episode of DYAO Season 2 while chatting with Michael (he's hosting Oxygen's west coast chat tonight, if you'd like to say hello)!

One last thing - to the many, many of you who are reading my blog, even if you're not a "follower" yet (click the right side of this screen to follow me, by the way); to all of you who've taken time to email, to send me private messages here and elsewhere and to those of you who've been kind enough to comment here on my blog, thank you! You inspire me to keep pushing forward - I'm so grateful for you!!!

Love and laughter and lots of fresh produce ;-)



  1. Let's make tee-shirts that say:



  2. Wow I have to say that reading this blog definitely inspired me today! I am definitely going to become a "follower" lol =)

  3. Michael!! Hahaha, I love it! We could come up with a whole line... "INTRODUCE PRODUCE" "REDUCE with PRODUCE" What else, what else?

    Alicia, welcome and thank you - I wish you could see the huge smile plastered across my face! It's <-------this-------> big!
