Universal Translator

Monday, March 15, 2010

In The Beginning, There Was This Blog

Lao Tzu says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Consider this the single, first step of my journey. It's not miles I'll be covering, per se, but years.

The objective: to finally, for once in my life, commit to keeping a journal for one year. I've never, ever been able to do this before. I mean, never. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've started a journal (on paper, online, whatever), written enthusiastically for a few days or weeks and then tapered off to not much, which eventually becomes nothing and I add another dead journaling attempt to the pile. This has been going on since my very first attempts at keeping a diary when I was 12 years old. I'll write about that tomorrow. I don't know what I'll write after that but I WILL write something. Because for 365 days, I am committed to writing in this journal. One year. I can do this. I will do this.

Today is my new foray into a committed effort to stick to this journaling thing once and for all. Why? Because I think there's something to it. I don't know, something therapeutic maybe? Or some sort of legacy to pass on when you die; a record of your life saying to the world, "you might have known some things about me but did you know this? Or how about this?" And maybe it's a place to vent when you're angry/afraid/worried/bored/etc. Plus, I'm tired of everyone constantly telling me that my life is fascinating enough to become a book. Maybe they're right. And maybe not. I'll try this for a year and see what happens, hm? And maybe, just maybe, I'll learn something about myself in the process. That would be really cool.

So anyway! I don't know if anyone will ever read this but just in case: Hello, whoever you are, and welcome to my journey.


  1. Actually the full, unpublished quote about the journey was "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and a lot of bitching."

    But I think the Freemasons conspired to keep that last part from us. The bastards!

  2. I'll try this for a year and see what happens, hm? And maybe, just maybe, I'll learn something about myself in the process.
