Hello there! The last time we talked (alright, I'm aware that I'm doing all the talking but you're such a terrific listener!), I mentioned that I had begun reading about the Law of Attraction. The basic tenet of the LOA is that everything in the universe is made up of energy and whatever you "put out there," is what you're going to get back. Which, when you think about it, you've probably already seen in your day-to-day life anyway - you just didn't have a name for it. But whenever you're having a day where you are on top of the world or when nothing seems to go right, that's because you're putting out certain vibes and getting back exactly what you put out there.
A friend of mine once told me that we are responsible for EVERYTHING that comes our way. As a survivor of early childhood sexual abuse, I was really ticked off when he said that. After I've read a few things about the LOA, I'm understanding a little more (and that guy wasn't even an advocate of the Law of Attraction!) In some ways, I get what he was saying - I won't lie, I still struggle with this concept a little bit but on some level, I do get it.
So about this Law of Attraction. What's the deal, anyway? Well. It's like this. People always talk about having a positive attitude but really, your choice for success goes so much deeper than that. You can't just think it. You have to feel it. And then you have to truly accept that what is good and right is what's going to happen. It's that simple. The trick comes in feeling something - truly imagining yourself in a certain scenario: having your dream car, traveling to that one place, etc. And in then letting it go. We're not conditioned to do those two things. We have to convince ourselves that we deserve good things. And when we don't have them, we're conditioned to dwell on the negative. Tomorrow night's my "Friday," as far as work is concerned so, hopefully, when I get home, I can take my time and elaborate on this business of feeling our wants and not dwelling on the negative, don't-want (not having our wants).
In my own life, though, after some horrible struggles that I haven't even written about that include my husband leaving me, losing custody of my children, losing my home, losing my job and my sister dying (all within months of each other), after I started putting this principle into practice, EVERYTHING has turned 180 degrees around. My life isn't perfect yet - this is a journey. But instead of living in a grungy apartment with high school drop out neighbours, instead of being unemployed, instead of being filled with grief and loneliness... my life has changed dramatically.
I live in a lovely condo on Lake Michigan at a price that would make you swallow your tongue with envy. Not kidding. I have a job - no, I'm not rich (not yet anyway; it's on my list of wants and I'll get there, I'm sure of it!) but I'm happy. I actually wake up and love going to work every, single day. No joke. I haven't been physically intimate with anyone in a LONG time (TMI? Maybe...) and I'm okay with it. I know that's coming, too! I'm happy. I'm filled with joy and I'm absolutely filled with peace. Every day. The funny thing is, negative people can sense it and they hate it!!! My second husband, for example. He is the most unhappy, unkind person I know and it just frosts his cookies that I have the nerve to be happy! Ah well, that's his issue, not mine :)
I hope you'll at least consider how the Law of Attraction can work in your life - it's so much more than pop psychology or some sort of new agey thing. It's been around since the beginning of creation and it's always going to be here. The thing to consider is this. Whoever you are, wherever you are in your life - what do you have to lose by genuinely giving it a try? You don't have to buy anything. You don't have to give anything away. You don't have to quit your job (unless you really want to, I suppose) or move away (also an option if you so choose, I guess). All you have to do is be open to learning how your life can change for the better. Simple as that. I promise.
Talk to you soon - ciao for now!
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