Universal Translator

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 18 - More On The Law of Attraction

So how do you do it? It sounds like some goofy hocus-pocus thing, right? I told you when I first heard of the law of attraction, I immediately dismissed it as the latest feel-good silly fad. My sweet friend, Sue, kept trying to tell me about it and I can't help wondering if she noticed my eyes glazing over as I zoned out while she was talking. I was trying to "be polite," you see. Isn't that awful? Ugh, the things we do when we think we're so much more practical than someone else. I'm embarrassed and a little ashamed to admit it but that's exactly what I did.

October 2009: Enter the book "Excuse Me, Your LIFE Is Waiting" into my unsuspecting hands. I picked this book up from a freebie table in my apartment building (to be honest, I only picked it up because it was free and I'm a book scavenger. If it's a book and it's in readable condition, I want it. Period.) and I casually threw it onto my night stand. It sat there for a few days, neglected. Day three or so, I was sitting on the edge of my bed putting on some socks when the subtitle caught my eye: "the astonishing power of feelings." hmm. I had to admit that even I had noticed that my attitude could kind of make or break at least a portion of my day... so I turned the book over and read: "Excuse Me, your LIFE Is Waiting clarifies why most of our dreams have never materialized, why the majority of us have lived with all-too-empty bank accounts, tough relationships, failing health, and often spiritually unfulfilling lives. Most importantly, in an easy-to-read style peppered with logical explanations, simple steps and true-life examples, Lynn Grabhorn shows us how to turn it all around right now."

and that was all it took to get me to open the book. As I read, I found I couldn't put this book down. There was so much information in there and my whole life - my whole life!!! - I'd been doing it wrong. Good grief, no wonder my life had been in such a shambles! One of the very first lessons I learned was how to identify specific feelings and differentiate between a POSITIVE feeling and a NEGATIVE feeling. You'd think that one's a no-brainer but it's actually a little more complicated than the obvious. In the basest of terms, when you think about a feeling, if it makes you feel good, then it's a positive feeling. You want as much of that as you can - that's called "keeping your valve open." Remember how I was talking about everything in the universe is made up of energy? When our valves are open and we're feeling positive feelings, we're vibrating on a high frequency which attracts other high frequency (positive) things. The more positive vibrations we put out, the more positive vibrations we receive. And the more positive vibrations we receive, the more we attract even MORE positive vibrations. And that, dear whoever you are, is how good and positive things start coming our way. When we're feeling negative feelings, the same thing happens only on a low frequency. We put out negative/low frequency vibrations and guess what we get back? More of the same stuff. That's just logical when you really think about it.

There are four basic steps to living the Law of Attraction:

1. Identify what you DON'T want.
2. Identify what you DO want.
3. Imagine what it FEELS like to have the thing you want.
4. Expect it to happen.

Notice the last item. I said expect it to happen; not keep your hopes up. So! Here's the thing. If your life is a shambles, YOU have the power to change that right there within you right this very minute. That doesn't mean that everything gets better magically. But if you truly, truly open yourself up to positive feelings, your life can get on the fast track to unbelievably joyful things faster than you might imagine possible. So how do you do that whole business of "opening yourself up to positive feelings?" Tell you more tomorrow. It's REALLY good stuff, I promise. For now, I'll leave you with a couple of "Do This and Don't Do That" items to get you started. Ready?

  • STOP thinking your life has to change in order for you to be happy. Decide you're going to find joy in your journey right here, right now, where you're at in life.
  • STOP thinking it won't happen. Stop it right now!! That kind of negative feeling will guarantee you that it won't.
  • DON'T try to figure out the ugly reasons for the bad things in your life. Stop it right this minute! All you're doing when you do that is thinking about the negatives and giving them more power over your life. They've had entirely too much power already, don't you think?
  • DO make time to dream, imagine and intend a little every, single day. Dream big and allow yourself the time you need to get that positive feeling flowing!
  • DO pay attention to your feelings. Whenever you're feeling off-center or blue, do this: stop, take a moment to regain your emotional balance, and then find a way, a thought, an action... something to make yourself feel better. And then do it again. And again. And feel better.
  • Talk tenderly to yourself every, single day. Be your best friend and nurture yourself. You DO deserve it.
That's it for now - I can't wait to talk to you about this tomorrow, too. If you're heading to bed, sweet dreams and if you're on your way up for the day, make it a great one, whoever you are, because you seriously ROCK!

P.S. Hello to my readers who haven't created accounts to "officially" follow me yet. Thank you for letting me know you're reading - I'm so glad you're here!

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