Universal Translator

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 28 (Post 26) - Preempting The Female Health Stuff

So today, Marc and I booked his flight. Well, kind of - we haven't gotten the confirmation email yet but it's coming! It was a hugely emotionally draining day for me. I mean, it's great news but you know how it is when you've wanted something so badly for SUCH a long time? Then, when it's finally becoming a reality, all the adrenaline you channeled toward hoping for that thing to happen floods out of you. My whole days was an outpouring of that hoping. And now I am flat-out exhausted. I spent most of my day either squeaking "ohmygosh, REALLY???" to him or finding myself in a daze, thinking, "wow, it's really finally going to happen." I mean, heck, I've only been waiting for this for 416 days now... no big deal, right? After three years of friendship and more than a year as a couple, we are finally going to meet each other face to face in person. What a rush!

So naturally, by the time I got home tonight (late since I had to get groceries, too), we got into a bickerfest. *chuckles* I kind of started it with my crabbiness but it was his insensitivity that set me off. Yeah, that's right - it's true luuuuuuuuuve, hahaha! I tried to take the easy way out and tell him it had been a long (though good) day and I was just exhausted but he kept pushing, wanting to know what in the world my problem was, so finally I told him what was bothering me. I'd had a long day and wanted some alone time with him when I got home but he was feeling ultra social and wanted me to join him while he was having fun with some of our friends. Baaaad combination. bad bad bad! Toward the end of our conversation, I could tell he really wanted to get to sleep but, of course, I wasn't done proving my point so I had to keep talking. Which, as I'm sure you can imagine, went over like a concrete balloon. So when we said good night, we were both pretty crabby. He sometimes says "gee, I'm so sorry I made the princess wait a minute and a half before I answered her!" but tonight, knowing he'd say that, I replied, "you are so fond of sarcastically calling me 'princess' and telling me that I have no patience but guess what? It was 30 minutes, not 1.5 minutes. And maybe, just maybe this time you might say 'I see your point' or something like it!" Well. He didn't apologise and he did go to bed crabby. But before he logged off, he said this:

"I can barely keep my eyes open. I had a blast with you today. You ARE my princess and I love you. Now, good night!"

I don't know whether to throw a shoe at his head or kiss him. Either way, I love him like nobody's business. And I can barely keep MY eyes open too so, good night to you!

p.s. female health discussion tomorrow!

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