Alright, a little diversion today from my goals.
My room mate has returned. Temporarily (thank goodness) but still. *sigh*
Room mate back story: After a slew of weird room mate situations (the aforementioned garbologist, the slob/thief, a hard-core gamer who only worked temp jobs so he could make enough money to pay his rent for a few months while he holed up in his room immersed in WoW, and a polyamorous couple who announced that they were into polyAMORY, not polyFUCKERY, during an argument between the husband and wife one night a week or two after I'd moved in), I decided to room with an older woman who owned her own condo on the lake. This seemed like a reasonable thing to do. She acted kind of strange when we met but she told me that she'd had surgery recently and I just wrote off her loopy behaviour as a reaction to the many meds she had to take. *sigh* I can be sooo naive.
Four days after I moved in, she announced that she would be leaving for rehab; she's a recovering-backsliding alcoholic. *sigh* So! She was gone for a month, returned... did alright for about three weeks and got drunk again before slitting her wrists. So! Back to rehab she went. For two months this time. Came back home and, within 24 hours, was drunk again. Her family came, did a massive intervention and sent her to a sober living house in Florida. We had big talks and I agreed to be the resident house manager/renter until this home sells. It was (and, I believe, is) a mutually beneficial deal.
Today I came home and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a drunken room mate passed out on the couch with 6 cans of beer. *siiiiiiiiigh*
I called her sister and brother-in-law to find out what's going on and, apparently, she's only here for a day or two (she has to give a deposition for some legal thing) before returning to the sober living house again. I'm trying to keep this place nice and lovely for prospective buyers and here she is, the condo owner, drinking, smoking and generally mucking the place up again. Geez, louise. What is the deal with people???
Oh alright, kvetching officially over for the evening.
Other than the room mate surprise, I am happy. I am working hard and loving my job. My youngest daughter and I went to the grocery store tonight and marveled at how just 6 months ago, I was so broke that, when we went grocery shopping, we had to prioritize which items we really needed and which ones we could do without because we didn't have enough money for everything. I have to admit, it's fun being able to simply buy what we need and not worry about whether I'll have to decide between a 4-pack of toilet paper and a half-gallon of milk!
Phew, I didn't notice how late it is! I need sleep! Good night, whoever you are and, as always, thanks for listening :)
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