Universal Translator

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Post 47 - When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Sure You Have Water and Sugar If You Want Lemonade

So this morning, when my precious boyfriend (whom I adore) and my sweet friend (whom I also adore) both texted me cheery "get up and go" messages, let's just say I didn't use my most lady-like language. I was full of vinegar and NO sugar whatsoever. Let me explain!

I worked a 65 hour week last week. Add to that, the 6 hours of work-related travel time and... we're talking more than 70 hours of work, including two back-to-back work shifts on Thursday and Friday. Exhausting, to say the least! I got home from work just before 1am this morning. Soaking wet because of the rain storm last night (which I actually loved). I peeled off my clothes, threw on some jammies, washed my face and collapsed in bed. I woke up when the alarm went off at 7:15 this morning and used extreme self control in not hurling it across the room. Part of my motivation here is that I use my cell phone as my alarm clock. No alarm clock = no telephone = no good. So I was just relaxing thinking the usual: you know... I can miss JUST ONE DAY. It's raining. I don't want to ruin the studio's floor with my wet shoes. It's just one day! Marc and I were having some lovely little virtual snuggling when I mentioned the word "Zumba." FTW! My loving boyfriend instantly turned into drill sergeant from hell!

[7:53 AM] Marc: hellllooooo!
[7:53 AM] Marc: mmmuah and good moorning!
[7:53 AM] Kelley: mmmmf
[7:54 AM] Marc: i did not want to wake you...I KNEW you had your mobile on alarm i
[7:54 AM] Kelley: one eye half open here
[7:54 AM] Marc: turn and sleep another few minutes!
[7:54 AM] Kelley: mmmmf
[7:55 AM] Kelley: I'm not going to zumba - it's in an hour and I'm too worn out
[7:56 AM] Marc: no way!
[7:56 AM] Marc: YOU
[7:56 AM] Marc: GO!
[7:56 AM] Marc: UP WITH YOU, LAZY ASS!
[7:56 AM] Marc: NOW!
[7:56 AM] Marc: I did not know you have zumba
[7:56 AM] Marc: UP!
[7:56 AM] Marc shakes your bed
[7:58 AM] Kelley *whines*
[8:00 AM] Marc: hop hop!
[8:00 AM] Kelley: i didn't get home til almost 1am
[8:01 AM] Marc: no excuses! you can rest when you are back home! just... DO IT!

At this point, my phone buzzes again. It's Joe (of course):

[8:03 AM] Joe: I'm at Western. Text ya later and get ur ass over here!
[8:03 AM] Kelley: grrrr. Okay! *goes back to sleep*

Back to Marc:

[8:03 AM] Kelley: who to kill first? marc? or joe?
[8:04 AM] Marc: hey, c`mon
[8:05 AM] Marc: its just an hour
[8:05 AM] Marc: if you skip it once, you will skip it more and more

(I think to myself, "*swear word* I hate when he's right and has a good point")

[8:06 AM] Kelley: i hate mornings now more than ever
[8:06 AM] Marc: are you going to zumba?
[8:07 AM] Kelley: *swear words*, YES
[8:07 AM] Marc: gooood girl!
[8:09 AM] Kelley: if you could see the look on my face you'd be very glad you're 4500 miles away right now
[8:09 AM] Marc: i LOVE that face!

So, pissing and moaning, I got up to go to Zumba at Dance Spa. In the rain. After 6 hours of sleep, I might add. Now THAT'S dedication. Okay, well sort of. I still need someone to kick my butt out of bed on Saturday mornings but Rome was not built in a day, people! Anyway. I get up, get out, get to the bus stop and...............................................wait.

And wait.

And wait.

40 minutes later, I was still waiting. The bus tracker said the bus would arrive at 9:27. For a 25 minute drive. Which would get me to class at 10:00-ish. Class begins at 9:30. You see where this is going, right? After much cursing and glowering at buses on other routes, I said to myself, "well, I'm out of the house now, *swear word* so I might as well do something, *swear word!*" And with that, I walked up to Caribou for a medium coffee and 7 grain oatmeal. Might as well at least eat something healthy, right?

As I sat there, I started feeling kind of guilty. I mean, Marc and Joe both really, really mean well and want good things for me. And I kind of felt like I let Christa and everyone else down a little, too. I'm doing this blog. Hundreds of people are reading it. I keep going on and on about how this is going to be a life-changing experience and what do I do? Skip a class? Okay, granted, it wasn't entirely my fault. I was up and ready to go in plenty of time but did I really try my hardest? Was I determined to get there, no matter what?

I tend to beat myself up a bit if I don't give 100%. It's okay. I work better that way.

After a while, I thought, "well, okay. I blew this class - I know it wasn't my fault but I wasn't there. And I'm sure, even with the weather, other people made it." (turns out 22 people made it - wow!!) "So what can I do to turn this into a positive thing?" and with that, I decided to go for a long, long walk. It took me an hour and a half but I walked 4 miles before the sauna known as "Chicago post-rain-storm" got the best of me. My legs feel like rubber. I hope to do two more miles tonight before bed. So there you have it. My own little version of life lemonade.

It's afternoon now. I've had a little rest. My Jilly Bean needs to go out. Maybe I'll see how far we can go before we have to come back...

Love and Life Lemonade,



  1. Good for you for doing the "good for you" thing and going for the long walk. Have a wonderful weekend, rubber legs and all!

  2. Hehehe - thank you, Roxie! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well :)

  3. Sometimes a long walk can be as good as a class. You got up, you spent the time, and you, so you took some action when didn't make it to class. Way to do it girl, you didn't just go back to bed!

  4. Aww, thanks, Menchor - that *really* means a lot to me!!

  5. Check out my blog for a surprise.

  6. I gave you a blogger award. You must have checked it before I posted it. Sorry!

    And thanks for following my blog...and commenting. It means a lot to me.

