Universal Translator

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Post 42 - Saturday Stuff

Well I did it! I went to my second Zumba class this morning. And I am veeeery proud of myself. Why, you ask? Because I did NOT want to go. I mean, it was bad:

7:45am - *alarm ring*
Me: $#%&@!!!
7:50 - I sigh and get out of bed
7:51 - I go to the bathroom and realize that Mother Nature has brought her monthly *gift* oh joy. I decide not to go to Zumba.
7:52 - I decide I have to go to Zumba.
7:53 - I decide one day off won't matter.
7:54 - I know I'm lying to myself if I really think that one day off won't matter.
7:55 - I nearly convince myself that it really IS just one day. And it won't matter.

(this goes on until I actually walk out the door at 8:50)

9:00 - I'm waiting for the bus and I think, "I really don't feel great; I have cramps. I need to lie down. I should just go back home."
9:05 - I'm on the bus. "I can just get off at the next stop and grab a bus going the other way"
9:07 - I receive a text from Joe: "Hey where u at I'm on The train heading there now"
9:12 - Me inside my head: "crap! now I HAVE to go!" Me to Joe: I'm on the bus - might be a couple of minutes late but I'm on my way :) "

...and so I went. And, while I was a couple of minutes late, I did it. I did it, I did it, I did it! Mind over matter (and a little convincing from my friends), baby, I DID it! Three things - no, four! - made it happen.

  1. My new friend, Michael Brooks' words: "it's mind over matter, Kelley. Convince yourself you can do it!"
  2. Joe's text... perfectly timed, as always - thank you, sweetie!
  3. Lisa Ann Walters' willingness to showcase my efforts and her sweet, sweet comment on Post 40!
  4. Christa, my wonderful, perky Zumba teacher... how could I possibly let her down and not show up? No way. Can't do it!

Thanks guys!! We're doing it, we're doing it, we're doing it!!

Love, laughter and success to you all,


p.s. If you're in the Chicago area, Dance Spa (click here to see their website) will be hosting a lose weight/get fit contest! The details aren't out quite yet but the grand prize is a free year of Zumba classes. A. Free. Year. Joe tells me he understands my pre-contest jealousy at his future win. I tell him to get to the back of the line because that prize is MINE! All kidding aside, we're excited about the contest and we hope you'll join us! I'll post more info as the plan unfolds...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelley,

    Just now wandered over here, but I can relate. I take belly dancing class with my daughters every Tuesday evening. I have the exact same discussion with myself every single solitary week. Sometimes my utter weakness wins out and I skip, but I have managed to go most Tuesdays. My 13 yo is at home dying to go and shake her exceptionally great body with the lil bells and crap so I feel badly if I disappoint her. Same thing with my 24 yo, but she drives herself to class and goes regardless of whether I win or lose my internal battle. Lydia however is utterly dependent on me, so most Tuesdays... away I go.

    Good luck to you and keep on trucking! Its tough but worth it. Even though I got my body (for the most part LOL) through the miracle of surgery, I still adore it! :-)


    (aka Marcy, aka Ellethe)
