Universal Translator

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Post 58 - Thoughts

This has been a terrible week.  You know, the break up hurt, sure.  But the past seven days.  Damn.

Last... I don't know.  Thursday?  Rose IMs me just to tell me that she's been spending time with you.  That she's talking to you and that she's not going to tell me what you're talking about.  I was a little taken aback by that.  I said, "so... why are you even telling me at all?  what do you hope to achieve?  this doesn't seem like the sort of thing one friend would say to another so enlighten me, please."  She gave a few excuses and then finally said, "I'm sorry.  I was competing with you for his attention and, I don't know why, but you're right.  I was rubbing it in your face.  I'm sorry."  Fine.  Forgotten (mostly).  Then on Tuesday, she does it again.  Out of the blue, "Full disclosure - I spent three hours with Marc today."  And I'm thinking, "wtf?  why do I need to be told this?" And she goes on to tell me how you two were fishing and having a wonderful time together.  So I said, "you know... I have to tell you that Marc just ended our relationship in a surprise sucker punch just a week ago.  I'm still hurting pretty badly and I'm not sure why you're telling me these things."  We talked more about it and she wasn't hearing my pain so I finally blurted out, "haven't you heard of the girl code?  God, I thought every female knew this!"  And then I explained to her - friends (especially best friends!) look out for each other and take care to nurture each other - they don't say things to hurt each other like she kept doing.  Her reply:  "So you want me to treat him like shit?"  Me:  "No, of course not!  We have lots of mutual friends and I'd never ask anyone to do something like that!  Just... don't be so buddy-buddy about it and then run over to rub it in my face, okay?"


And then I received your IM that crushed me.  I never got a chance to even talk to you about it.  You know what really broke my heart?  Well, several things.  But first, that you never even gave me the benefit of the doubt.  You know me, heart and soul.  Not even two weeks ago, you told me I was the best friend you'd ever had.  Would a true best friend do something like that?  When have you ever heard me, in the four years that we've known each other, say "if so and so is friends with so and so, they're no friend of mine?"  Never.  Because that is just not who I am. 

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