Universal Translator

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Post 32 - Not So Random Thoughts

Marc is supposed to arrive in 15 days. I haven't heard from him in... 8 days now. What a weird spot to be in. But I've been thinking about a few things. First, I know that man loves me. I know he's struggling with his depression and I know he feels like a butt for caving and not letting me know he's alive and kicking (good. he should feel like one because he's being one!). I am just ready for him to get here. I hate the caving thing. I can't fix it and make it all better. And I know that my successes don't make him feel any better about his current failures. But I wish I could make him see that the success I'm experiencing right now is due to very hard work that's coming on the heels of my very own dark period in life. There's no judgment here; not from me and not from ANYONE who matters to us!

Success. Failure. Those two terms are so freaking subjective, you know?? Marc was successful by society's definition before he reached where he's at right now. He lived in a sleek apartment with his long-term girlfriend; he drove a hot motorcycle and she had the sexy coupe. Their best friend was a famous stand-up comedian in Germany. They had it all by society's definition. But so freaken what? I mean, it's pretty easy to be the big man when you're on top of the world. Show me a man who stands tall and looks the world straight in the eyes even when he has nothing and I'll show you a truly big man. That is my hope for him; that he not only gets it but that he embraces it. I think it is then that he'll see what he's made of. I won't do it for him. I just won't. But I believe in him. Call me a fool, I really don't care. I know him and I know I've chosen well.

This is a totally different subject but you know what's really been my big WTF gripe lately? Hypocrital Christians. Don't get me wrong. I am a Christian. But I am so sick of Christians who have nothing better to do than to judge people, condemning this one, chastising that one. I almost never see these people actually out spending time with non-Christians.

"Ohhh, no no no no no, can't do that! We might get questioned about our faith! Someone might actually disagree with us and give us an argument we don't know how to refute! Nope, nope... I think I'll sit riiiiight over here with my friends who are just like me. We can all hide away from the rest of the world, tell each other how Godly we are and feel good about ourselves while we thank Him that we're saved! Unlike those heathens. What? Try to relate to them? I mean, well, I DO! How? Hm. What? Spend time socialising with them and getting to know them? Well, I've invited them to church - it's not MY fault that they don't come!"

Seriously people. Get a clue. If you really want to be like Jesus, get your butts out in the world and be the freaking salt of the earth like He told you to! As far as I know, salt is a flavour enhancer. And here's a little hint: have you ever put too much salt on food before? It tastes horrible. The same applies to shoving your faith down people's throats. It's nauseating and no one wants it. Remember that if you really and truly want to win souls for Christ's kingdom. My favourite saying is this: "Preach the Gospel always; words not required." Get it? You'll do more good for Christianity by walking the walk than with words any day.

Alright, rant officially over. I'm actually in a pretty good mood but I had to get that off my chest - it's been bothering me for some time now and I just... needed to say it. Ending this entry now so I can go practice my next song for this karaoke contest I'm doing. Tonight's number is called "Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray." It's another one I've never heard before - should be interesting; I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. The saying that you quoted is from St. Francis of Assisi. He was the founder of the Religious Order the Franciscans, who seek to spread the Christian faith through teaching the Gospel and living in poverty (like the Dominicans and Carmelites, they are "mendicants" i.e., they earn their keep by begging). He said: Preach the Gospel always, use words if necessary. :-)

  2. Update your blog!

    I know you're busy with the BF coming and all, but I check this blog everyday and frankly, I'm missing new posts!

    hehe--i'm really living vicariously through you---I want to hear all about your visit with your BF. That really reminds me of when my Husband and I were dating!
